Saturday 24 September 2011

Sourdough Gluten Principles and Weston A Price

!±8± Sourdough Gluten Principles and Weston A Price

It took me a year, 7 days a sourdough bread perfectly. It 'requires a simple appetizer: the same amount of rye flour and water whisked smooth. The starter had to feed additional amounts of flour and water every day for the next six days. I watched in awe as a starter was bubbling, and has taken the form of a sponge. The recipe said the dough should be like goop, and it was! Dough was not necessary or possible. I was not sure they would get heavy goop, but it is almost doubledDimensions in 12 hours.

As the oven, the house filled with a delicious aroma of malt. The hot before baking the slices were thick and tasty without being heavy. I started to bake this bread regularly beautiful. At first I bought rye flour sausage but I soon bought the grain mill attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer and bought 25 pounds of organic rye berries a whole. I thought that my bread was still alive its nutrients in freshly ground flour.

My family enjoyed the toastbutter with butter, jam and nuts. While some people may not appreciate the bread because of its density, while others have truly loved. Someone commented that the bread they remembered their grandparents to be to make bread. My daughter brought home a friend of Serbia paused college. The saw cut thick slabs of bread, toast it, slather it on humus and top it all with my homemade sauerkraut. These two boys were in heaven, especially after eating all that dorm. The friend said withAmazement, that this bread was just like the "bread of Serbia" has made his grandmother, and she prays to take back to school with some "cabbage of Serbia?"

I grabbed happy with a few loaves. I hesitated on the sauerkraut, though. I had visions of it blowing up in their backpacks. I was deeply flattered and happy to feed the people of this wonderful healthy food. I was also very happy that my food recall with affection because of their traditional ethnic foods.

Ibegan to improve this bread for my health. I had been a long journey of recovery from various diseases and gave me a "Nourishing Traditions" friend as a gift. Each new food or a technique I was trying to improve my health to another level. Some symptoms, however, remained. I went to a holistic MD, who tested me for food allergies. It was discovered that I had an extreme sensitivity to gluten sensitivity and cow's milk and goat's milk, eggs and soy. I was deeply disturbed that, in order to feelI had better give up my bread, sourdough rye. I was already ahead of all dairy products except butter as the only means to let go of the butter. I was not happy to give the eggs, but he was ready. I had already stopped eating soy months ago after reading about it in "Nourishing Traditions". At that time I was tested for muscle and were recorded with an extreme lack of energy, leaving out of my diet and I lost 1 pound a week for 8 weeks without dieting!

But my favorite bread!I discussed all this with a friend tea and suddenly his head on the table and began to sob. I cried when I finished I decided it had to find a way to make a gluten-free sourdough bread.

I had my last slice of rye bread that night, roasted to perfection, sweet, aromatic, organic soaked in hot butter. I expressed my gratitude for this wonderful nutritious bread and butter, both had that feeds me well. I said my goodbyes and moved on. Within 48 hours allpersistent symptoms that had disappeared since then! I began to understand the importance of gluten gluten allergy and how it was damaged my intestines and my overall health.

I took a break from baking bread, while I adjusted to my new diet. I bought looked different storage gluten-free bread. Some of them use white flour and rice flour that I wanted in my whole wheat bread. Most of them contain milk or eggs to leaven. Exactly what I needed to avoid. Those whoDo not use milk and eggs that have used commercial baking yeast from previous experience, I better not. To stay beyond many of the breads contain a sweetener, try something that was added on. I was frustrated watching all these types of gluten-free bread and still not able to eat them.

It was also the matter of digestion. I was not convinced that these tablets were easy to digest, because they were essentially "quick breads". Flour mixed with wet to dryIngredients, mixed with commercial yeast and pink for a few more hours. According to the principles of Weston A. Price, soaking grains and flours produced Lactobacillus antinutrients and neutralizes the enzymes that are a full-bodied, with age and has a long duration. These were the qualities of my favorite rye bread and I was ready to have this again. I wanted a bread free of foods I was sensitive, free from commercial yeast and sweetener in some form, completeTaste and high digestibility.

I started experimenting with gluten-free sourdough substitute sourdough with the same brown rice flour for rye guidelines. My first attempt was to be pampered. The house starting a greenish tinge towards the end of 7 days. The bread smelled terrible and I ended up spitting the bit that I tried. Besides the apparent agony, the bread was dense and compact, since it had just risen!

I continued to experiment by trying differentCombinations of flours and different ways of working with the starters. During this period I experienced as a tonic water kefir morning. It 'was pretty powerful, but really to drink me. I put it to soak for beans and corn to increase. One morning while I was taking my daily walk, activities, problem solving and new ideas generated, I asked if the water kefir, because they drink alcohol for me would be strong enough for bread baking? I e-maila fermenter experts from Australia, he and his family often uses water kefir sourdough leaven said their products. He gave me some tips for starting and bread, and I began to have success. I started to experiment with different combinations of flour gluten purchased from the store, I came up with a tasty and very reliable. The whole process from the initial pain of bread for the bread reliable and successful has been a whole year!

I started cooking fourLoaves at once and freeze some. The bread was excellent, even after 4 months in the freezer! I was able to grab a piece of toast in the morning, you are in a container for lunch and eat it right out of the box after 6 hours. He still had a freshness about it, even after all these hours. I used the bread for toast with butter nut. I have it in dishes of soup, stew and beans, where it is good to absorb the juices. During the winter holidays I also have the starter for a chocolate cake. I'm not allowed to grow long enough soIt 'been a gluten-free brownies! My team ate the whole tray in 5 minutes ...

I shared the bread with the people in gluten-free diet and watch their reactions. Eyes closed, breathing in the scent from the oven or toaster. I also saw someone faint. Some people wanted to buy it! They said: "This is what I was looking for. Gluten Free, good flavor, nice texture, durability and also freeze." I was not ready to begin full-time cooking, but I started teachingBread classes.

I was ready to expand. I have been researching gluten-free muffins recipes, and share a recipe for rice with the same starter for leavening pebbles. The results were exciting. The muffins were great and were a nice change from bread. There was a small appetizer of fried dough I've tried a few on the left. I was careful to make the dough for at least 7 hours before cooking so that no fresh fermented flour, I added was really wet. They were pretty good. I still had aStarter little left so I could spoon in the soup and was looking rather amorphous, but delicious dumplings!

After two years of euphoric eating bread, I started showing symptoms of the sensitivity again. One of the principles of a healthy diet is to eat a variety of foods. This provides a mix of nutrients, trace elements and enzymes. One of the challenges with multiple food intolerances, it is difficult to eat a variety of foods, because we must avoid,many foods and food products. Undiagnosed gluten sensitivity affects the intestinal system for us much more sensitive to the foods we eat often.

The muscles tested all the ingredients in the bread and I found my beloved was sensitive to three of the five components of the flour! The two I had were the most susceptible to the highly processed flour, chickpea flour and tapioca flour. I was less sensitive to the third ingredient, sorghum, something that I never ate with my bread. Itested in order, even if treated too high for the fourth ingredient, potato flour. Fortunately, I tried it and for the organic brown rice flour, which I ground in small batches in my grain mill and refrigerated for a short period to obtain the nutrients.

I started to rethink the principles A. Price Weston organic ingredients, delivering as little as possible. I felt safe, I had to start experimenting again with only organic grain mill, I could in myMill. I was pleased much of the bread ingredients, grind, how can I guarantee a "nutrient live" bread. As I have loved my bread I never got quite well with the flour, which have not been grown organically. I was also concerned about the length of time the flour on the counter market Sat May have. My options were not exactly the one ingredient that I prefer, but I have worked with what was available and the skills I had at that time.

Once again I took a break from the breadthinking. During this period I participated in gluten-free culinary Conference, held by professional chefs, pastry chefs and cookbook writers. Through the information they shared, I have a better understanding of general principles and principles of cooking gluten-free cooking. I began to understand that every gluten-free flour was to be a certain property to the finished product. The chickpea flour gave the bread a boost. It 'was the ease of tapioca. The millet flour has aspongy texture. The potato flour binds.

Now the challenge would be for the new flour, gluten-free cooking that the movement has grown dependent replaced. My question was "What would be my freshly ground flour properties necessary to produce a superior product?" I decided, with small batches of pancakes instead of bread, in hopes that minimizes losses in the event of failure would be experimental.

I have a new start with rice flour and made a couple ofLots of pancakes with teff, amaranth and buckwheat. The grains of amaranth and teff were too small to land in my mill, so I used a coffee grinder that works very well. With each new game, I saved some rice to start the next batch. Each lot has very different qualities. Teff pancakes had a very dense texture. The pancakes were light and delicate purple. The buckwheat pancakes were thick and cakelike. I also tried some reason on a gluten-free steel cut oats, the beautifulfluffed it. I went 1 week of feeding the starter twice a day, pancakes every 2-3 days without any sign of reduced fresh air to the starter motor. Previously, I would start each batch of bread with a starter again as the old start-up seemed to die in the refrigerator between batches. I thought that was a feature of the gluten-free appetizers.

In order to experience a little 'more, I decided to try different meals directly to the starter battery. With the addition of each new flour Iobserved to change the texture and density of goodwill. I did not learn in the same meal more than double the use of line, because the pancakes were too cakey or too close or too easy! After a couple of batches of pancakes also seemed to merge the properties of this grainy mix of genetic material are increasing. He was always full, and perhaps more satisfying. At that time, my entree was alive for 3 weeks.

I should teach a class of imminent and baking breadRice began the new starters. Since I do not cook for 3 months I decided to do an extra starter in order to experience the classroom. I would like to teach my best original recipe, although I no longer wanted to eat.

Bread of class was a complete success and everyone took home a loaf of bread to rise overnight and bake the next day. I gave them each ¼ cup of rice with starting instructions to him to sit on the counter and him twice a day with the same amount of flour and water, changing the plate every 2-3 days. Ihope to start with this appetizer cooking class was just fresh in my memory.

The day after class I was willing to experiment. Most ground buckwheat, amaranth and brown rice flour cake. I had some potato flour left, but only enough for three loaves. Bread together and I was happy to see the dough had a sponge-like structure similar to the original recipe. I decided to try a quarter loaf of bread without flour potato. The pasta was thin pasta, so I added more sweetbrown rice flour. Thickens, but it was still thinner than I've ever worked with. I do not think that would be absorbed properly, but to my surprise, they got up nice, well-baked bread, and was the best of the four!

A few days later, my students made me realize that their bread has risen well, and well cooked. They said that the taste seemed to improve with age. In addition, they have been dutifully feeding twice a day starters.

I continue with my experiments. I tried to mini muffinsCans, because they have a value more appropriate for a snack as a standard-size cans. With the rice-starter will try another chocolate cake for the holidays. And 'no gluten, no dairy, egg free, yeast-free sweetener, baking powder and baking soda with stevia instead of sugar. Then, I would like sandwiches and sweets, try maybe a holiday fruit and nut bread, and then maybe a bread onion.

Two and a half years after leaving gluten, I got what I had hoped. INourishing my own success, Allergy goods baked with a combination of old technology and an ancient yeast fermented beverages. And 'encouraging and comforting to me that we must go into the future and come up with some very difficult challenges of our time deal, we can draw on the wisdom of the ancients to strengthen and nourish us.

Sourdough Gluten Principles and Weston A Price

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